Wheatgrass – Live Tray


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Organic Status: All Organic Ingredients
Producer: Green & Mighty Microgreens


Live tray ready for juicing

Health enthusiasts have long raved about the countless benefits of this plant, and for good reason. Wheatgrass is packed with a powerful combination of nutrients that make it extremely beneficial to your health. It has many therapeutic benefits and is known as complete nourishment. The extensive combination of vitamins and nutrients make wheatgrass an exceptional choice to enhance your well-being. Wheatgrass juice has antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.


Is it easy to take?
Yes, you just need to harvest and juice a small amount every day. Wheatgrass can be drunk on its own as a ‘pure’ shot or mixed with something like apple or pineapple juice. It can also be added to a juice or smoothie (this is a great way to give it to children.) Whichever way you choose, it won’t lose any of its nutritional value.

How much do I need to take?

The recommended dose is 30ml. Our wheatgrass trays yield on average 6 – 7 30ml shots, so 1 tray should last you a week. You could possibly get more as it depends on how tall the grass is when you harvest.

How do I store it?

Live wheatgrass needs cool (5-18C), light conditions. Water the tray daily and evenly with a watering can, letting the water drain through to the bottom of the tray.

How long will my wheatgrass keep?

Our wheatgrass trays will keep for up to a week. After a week wheatgrass normally gets over grown and loses its lushness.

Is it good for vegetarians & vegans?

Yes! Wheatgrass juice is an excellent source of iron and b12. It is also high in protein and is 100% assimilated by the body.

Is it gluten-free?

Yes. Although mature wheat grass does contain gluten, wheatgrass is harvested before the jointing stage, when no grain has been produced.